Lionel and I met at a party (I accidentally stepped on his foot.) and were both surprised by each other's politeness. We met on Brock Road, were later married at a beautiful temple on Brock Road, and now live on Brock Road.
Lionel had two sons from a previous relationship. He says he was young and irresponsible (aren't we all?) It was difficult for me initially, and I even tried to break up with Lionel when I first found out about the boys. I felt like a homewrecker, even though that relationship had been over for quite some time. But, I knew in my heart that I would never find another with his strong morality, goodness of heart, and devotion to God. Lionel was meant for me.
I'm Tamil, born in Sri Lanka, and come from a conservative family fleeing from the genocide in our Motherland. My culture is ruthless in criticizing others for their decisions and JUDGING EVERYONE FOR EVERYTHING. It is very important to my parents what others think of them. It's all about family honour.
My father is tough. He doesn't drink, smoke or curse, and he reminds me ALOT of my husband. I knew that if they got to know each other, mutual respect and understanding would be there. But, I also knew Lionel having children would be a massive hurdle to overcome. My husband is from beautiful Jamaica, and that's where the boys lived with their mother. They were not doing well there and desperately needed our help.
When my parents found out about Lionel's sons, they felt sad for me at first, like Lionel had somehow betrayed me. However, time and open discussion helped. Seeing that I was okay with the situation and focused on doing the right thing to help the kids, my parents turned out to be incredibly supportive. As war refugees themselves, their understanding and empathy for the boys was so wholesome and kind. I was shocked! I had underestimated their good hearts.
Lionel and I have two beautiful baby girls together, and the boys have since immigrated to Toronto to live with us. We went from a family of two to six within a matter of two years (our daughters are 18 months apart). We've been a family of six for over three years now, and I am so grateful for my life. The boys are lovely kids, and they are thriving at home and school. They've adjusted to Canadian winters surprisingly well and are sweet and protective big brothers. I feel incredibly blessed to have my four children and a wonderful, supportive, hardworking, kind, and God-loving/fearing husband.

Marriage, family, the kids, work, adulting - none of it is easy, BUT the sacrifices we make for others ultimately become the food & love we need for our souls.
I think it is extraordinary that two people from opposite ends of the world can unite in so much love. It brings me so much joy to see all the beautiful Blindian relationships - God is GOOD all the time!