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I Thought My Parents Would Be Happy When I Told Them I Was Pregnant, I was wrong.

My parents are abusive and manipulative, and I've made a conscious effort to set boundaries with them. It seemed as if they'd accepted my Blindian relationship, but I'm not sure it was genuine.

My parents hoped they have that same sense of control with my husband, but that too has cracked. He has always been cordial with them and tried to make sure that I got on with them, but he's finally put his foot down.

The other day I told my father we were pregnant. His response was, "you guys are legally married, right?" I'm hurt and annoyed.

We both graduated from Law school and are doing well for ourselves. At a time in our lives when we feel happy and are thriving, they made me feel dirty and ashamed. A baby is due, WTF.

Is this a common thing in Blindian relationships?

📖: Anonymous

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